About us
Why this website
This special project aims at contributing to break the vicious cycle of impunity in Indonesia. Stakeholders will be both Indonesian human rights defenders and international human rights workers around the globe, with a more than superficial interest in either impunity as such, or in human rights violations in Indonesia in general. This website is an initiative of Martha Meijer, whose background you can read in her curriculum vitae here and in an overview of her experience here.
The information on this website is all coming from public sources, and as such does not contain new information. The idea is that the listing of different human rights violations through the years may show patterns of causes and opportunities for perpetrators of human rights violations to go unpunished. Also it aims at contributing to the work of Indonesian human rights organisations.
If you want to get in touch directly with the editor of this website, please send an email to <titusmeijer> at <outlook.com> .
Useful links
The Human Rights system is built upon the Universal Declaration of the United Nations and important other treaties. You can find more information on the informative websites of the UN institutions below. Although these texts is just paper, you can also learn how they work in practice, as they have an important moral weight for everyone working towards the realisation of human rights. You can find the texts in English and some of them in Bahasa Indonesia.
But also other international law institutions may be useful for direct linking, as well as Indonesian human rights organisations, media and the like. This page presents a number of links to relevant websites.
If you want your website mentioned here, please send an e-mail to < titusmeijer> @ <outlook.com >.
There are a number of groups of links:
1. Indonesian human rights organisations
2. International human rights organisations and institutions
3. Indonesian media
4. International media
5. Search machines and resource centres
6. Indonesian law enforcement institutions